Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pants will no longer be worn in the next phase of my life

I am officially announcing that as of Monday, April 12, I have stopped wearing pants. This is not due to a newly adapted, bohemian life style nor am I not fleeing my bourgeois existence for a new life of decadence and hedonism.

For the next phase of my life, pants are going to be a hindrance. Also, certain notions about privacy and bodily functions are being cast aside (I won.t be sharing them here). At this point in my life, I can no longer put them on or take them off without assistance and effort.

When I couldn't walk without a cane, I thought, "I can live with this."

When I couldn't get up without a walker, I thought, "I can live with this."

When I became wheelchair bound, I thought, "I can live with this."

When I couldn't sit up on my own, I thought "I don't want to live like this anymore.:

I am back in the hospital. This time it is University Hospital, at the University of Cincinnati. They are still flummoxed by what might be the problem, but I feel better for being here, pantless in my big chair.

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