Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursday Afternoon

Thursday, December 9, 2010 03:27 PM

I am tired again.

I have resumed taking daily naps and stopped watching late night horror movies to make sure i am getting enough rest. My daily shower/shave exhausts me so entirely that I need an extra 45 minutes to recuperate.

Exhaustion has been my constant companion since I got sick. Once I started to recuperate, I was able to do more with less energy.   

My nurse at Humana thinks it may be due to my lowered Prednisone, I have been gradually reducing my dosage from 80 milligrams down to 35 milligrams a day.  I've already gained plenty of weight because of them, reducing my activity level because I am too tired now that I am way down on them is just cruel.  

I am continuing to get stronger-my physical therapist says that my gait is getting better all the time. Today was the first day I walked into therapy without the wheelchair. It has been moved into the garage, only to be used for the most arduous trips.

Short but sweet.

Thursday, December 9, 2010 03:49 PM

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